Looking For the Best Quality Low Carb Red Wine? Here Are Some Options

With the technological advancements, these days, it has been much easier to order different types of wines both online and offline. Out of all the different flavours, red wine is considered a healthy type of wine for the human body.

If you are looking to taste the best quality low-carb red wine, this article has got covered some of the best options. Check them out one by one below.

low carb red wine

Best options for Carb Red Wine:

Pinot Noir:

Firstly comes Pinot Noir, one of the popular forms of low carb red wine. It is mainly known as the lightest wine, and it has been around since the 12th century. Therefore, this wine is also known as one of the most desired wines on the earth. Furthermore, it is from the colder climate and delivers notes of the fruits like Cranberries and Strawberries.

Looking at Pinot Noir in a glass, you can see its translucence. It is definitely on the lighter side of the red wine spectrum. As the skin of this grape is lighter and thinner, it delivers less density because of its lightness.  

Hence, it tastes almost like a white wine with fantastic food pairing. For example, you can pair this low carb red wine with chicken, poultry, or fish dishes.


Secondly, Merlot is tremendously known around the globe, and it is one of the Bordeaux red wines. However, it is mainly grown in colder climates like Italy, France, etc. That’s why it resembles the wine Cabernet Sauvignon a lot of times. However, it still stands out as an excellent option for a low carb red wine.

When Merlot comes from a warmer climate like California, you see more divergence in aromatics. Hence, it becomes easier to tell the two apart. On the nose, Merlot gives more herbal scents, and fruit note colours get darker and smell like blackberries and plums. So, think about darker coloured fruits and berries.

Furthermore, it gives a woody tone like cedar if it comes from a colder climate. One of the reasons why Merlot is so loved across the globe because how well it is suited to foods.

Cabernet Sauvignon:

Cabernet Sauvignon is another wine of the Bordeaux. This wine is one of the most versatile, and it has incredible aging potential. Well, that is why a lot of winemakers prefer that grape, and they like bottling and keeping it for many years. 

Particularly, in case of Cabernet Sauvignon, the grapes are smaller, and have much thicker skins than Merlot. When fermented, it gives us that double dose of colour and flavour.

Therefore, Cabernet Sauvignon gives similar smells as Merlot, darker coloured fruits like blackberries and cherries. However, Cabernet Sauvignon is also flavour to it like chocolate coffee. Thus, it is very much of a powerhouse of red wine for its distinct flavours.

Syrah (Shiraz):

Lastly, Syrah comes from the Rhone area of France or code Duron. You can also sometimes meet that same wine type by another name of Shiraz. So, depending on where the wine was produced and where that grape variety was grown, it will be either Shiraz or Syrah.

But, one important point to remember is that genetically it is indeed the same grape. It largely depends on which hemisphere of the world it was grown. Therefore, these low carb red wines are worth a try.

low carb red wine


These aforementioned red wines can help you taste different flavours in red wines. However, when planning to taste any type of low carb red wine, you must consider its ingredients to ensure the safety of your health.

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