What is TMS Therapy And What Are The Side Effects?

People today are depressed and get hyper at every little thing because of their never-ending hectic life. To solve this problem doctors have come up with TMS which is seen beneficial for people with depression and anxiety. The main purpose of TMS will be to treat depressive disorders. It is successful in helping individuals who are not getting any benefit from psychotherapy and antidepressant medications. TMS therapy has to be repeated five days every week for approximately six weeks. With regular work people have been able to spot a huge difference in their life and hence are motivated to take more TMS treatment.

What Do You Mean By TMS Therapy?


TMS (Transcranial magnetic stimulation) happens to be a sort of therapy that stimulates the brain. Electromagnetic pulses are employed by this particular treatment which stimulates the nerve cells thus enhancing the symptoms of mental health disorders. TMS is also known to resolve other problems including Parkinson’s disease and anxiety. Whether TMS therapy is associated with any side effects or not people are concerned with this. There cannot be any medical treatment without even slightest of discomfort and TMS is not at all painful.

How Does TMS Function?

It is a TMS physician who is going to perform this therapy. There is no need for you to stay overnight in case it is performed in a hospital. It will be imperative to get rid of items that can react with magnets before undergoing this procedure.

  • The technician will position you in a chair and you need to put on earplugs for reducing the clicking sounds caused by magnetic impulses. It is possible for the patient to stay awake during the entire treatment procedure.

  • The treatment will be started after pressing the magnetic coil on top of the front portion of the brain.

  • A clicking sound will be audible to you with the release of the magnetic impulses. There will also be a knocking or tapping sensation under the coil.

  • The duration of this treatment can last between 30 minutes and one hour. It is possible to resume your normal activities after the completion of the treatment.

What Are The Side Effects Or Risks Of TMS Therapy?

TMS therapy

On most occasions, this treatment does not cause any side effects or there can be some mild side effects in some cases. The most common side effects consist of the following:

  • Tingling feelings in the jaw, face, or scalp

  • Mild headaches

In case you are experiencing any side effects, it might be due to some short-term discomfort at the site of the treatment.

TMS Therapy Risks

It is a fact that this treatment procedure is going to use a strong magnet which can make it quite risky for all those who are wearing any sort of metal in and around their neck or head. Even though titanium is permitted, it will be a good idea to keep the metals at least 10 cm away from your head. Some instances of metal that might force you to discontinue the treatment will comprise the following:

  • Aneurysm clips

  • Metal stents

  • Cochlear implants

  • Tattoos containing magnet-sensitive ink

  • Medical implants consisting of metal

  • Bullet or shrapnel fragments

Nevertheless, it might be the fact that you have tried to treat your depressive disorders with the help of antidepressant medications available at the stores. However, these can result in some side effects which can be quite annoying and frustrating in the long run. On the other hand, TMS therapy can be a safer option for treatment since it does not result in any side effects on most occasions. Therefore, it will be a sensible idea to consult with your physician beforehand to avoid any risk. If there are any side effects at all, these will be mild in nature and not serious.

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