
Helpful Tips To Choose The Best Bamboo Tea Tray

Tea tradition and tea trayshave always been a part of the eastern cultures like the Chinese and the Japanese. These tea trays are specifically designed to keep the teapot, teacups and other items related to tea only. This ensures that there is enough place for other things on the table and does not look messy.

Moreover, if you go through the Chinese culture, you will find that the ancient Chinese population used bamboo tea sets, which is still followed.

Bamboo tea trays not only used for their symbolism but also for the features it offers. The original design of a bamboo tea tray is rectangular in shape with a box underneath.

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Let Us See The Benefits That The Bamboo Tea Tray Has To Offer

  • Because of the box, the table surface is safe from any damage or harm cause by hot tea being poured in the cups and the hot tea in the pot.

  • In case there is any spillage while pouring the hot tea, it will get collected in the box below and not cause any mess on a bamboo tea tray.

  • With the bamboo tea trays designed for tea wares, you do not have to bother about keeping the cups and pots back into shelves or the cabinets. You can keep them in the tray again, ready to be used again.
  • Bamboo is just like grass; you do not have to uproot the entire tree. You can simply cut the bamboo from above the ground and continue to grow again. This makes bamboo a renewable resource making a bamboo tea trayan eco-friendly option. 
  • Bamboo tea trays are very light in weight compared to trays made from other materials like wood, plastic, metals etc. it is easier to carry the tray around.
  • Bamboo is known for being strong; hence the bamboo tea trays are also very sturdy and durable. It will not break easily, even if it falls from a height.
  • When bamboo is planted, the growth is slow in the initial 5 years after the growth rate increases. Hence, the time taken to harvest bamboo is concise compared to wood, making bamboo tea trays less costly than wood.
  • Bamboo tea trays do not retain any odour of the tea or stains from spills. It is effortless to clean.

How Do You Know You Are Picking The Best Bamboo Tea Trays?

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  • You need to feel a bamboo tea tray with your fingers to see any cracks for any part of the bamboo sticking out. It will hurt when you try to clean them, and chances the splinter may fall in your tea.

  • The bamboo ta tray should have a straight surface because an uneven surface will cause your tea wares to slip to one side and won’t sit straight. So when you pour the tea, it will spill due to the tilt. 

  • As bamboo is a tree, after all, the bamboo tea tray infected with moths is high. To check if any moth infestations or moulds are growing on it.
  • Do not buy bamboo tea trays if it has any polish because it means even the tea ware with the tray will also have the polish and is not suitablefor your health. The chemical will mix with your tea spoiling the quality of the tea and your health.


A bamboo tea trayrequires that little extra care as compared to other materials. Make sure you do not keep the tray directly under the sunlight. Ensure it is completely dry before storing the tray back in its place, as dampness may cause mould growth. If you take everything, you will have the best experience of enjoying tea with your friends and family.

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